Thursday, March 27, 2025

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pangos: Day 1 : Skill Drills Video

Pangos is not your run of the mill showcase camp. Before any games started, the players all met at mid-court for what was basically a pep talk on "getting recruited" by Dave Miller, who is a former New Orleans Hornets assistant. He spoke a lot about "stepping up" at events, and making a name for yourself. He also harped on effort and basketball IQ as being just as important as athletic ability. After the pep talk the players broke up in groups of 20 and participated in skill drills. Ryan and Mychal were grouped together, however Luke Cothron was running late and did not make it to this part of the camp.

1) Dribbling Drills
The first few drills were dribbling drills. The players were given two balls and told to dribble them in sync while keeping it low, and staying under control. As they did this they had a coach in their face, pushing them to get it right. It surprised me how difficult this was for some players. It really stood out to me the number of kids who could not keep a controlled dribble with their left hand. Ryan, as usual, looked comfortable with the ball in his hands, but the real surprise for me was Mychal Parker. Parker really does have a guards handles in a forwards body. Take a look at what we mean:

2) Defensive Drills
I was really excited to see a knowledgeable coach really harp on the importance of defense and defensive positioning to these kids. The first thing they were taught was "getting in the passing lane," followed by how to properly close out on a shooter. All of the Pack recruits were working hard, and really pushing themselves in front of a lot of media and peers. The coaches really were looking for effort, staying low in a defensive stance and seeing man and ball.

**Video from the first round of games is being edited and uploaded this afternoon.


28 Responses to "Pangos: Day 1 : Skill Drills Video"
  1. Anonymous said...
    May 30, 2009 at 4:05 AM

    WPH even though cothron arrived late,will he still be playing on the same team as parker and harrow.


  2. Anonymous said...
    May 30, 2009 at 7:26 AM

    Wolkpack Hoops, how do players get to a camp such as Pangos? Are players invited and who pays their way? With the highly recruited players playing in so many tournaments across the nation, it would seem to be quite expensive for their parents. sbas2

  3. Wolfpack Hoops said...
    May 30, 2009 at 7:40 AM

    Whether or not it was because he was late I do not know. But Cothron was placed on a different team.

    Ryan and Mychal were together last night night a lost a close one. We'll have video soon.

    Also will have some Will Barton highlights. He's good....REAL good.

  4. Wolfpack Hoops said...
    May 30, 2009 at 7:42 AM

    They have to be invited to this type of thing. I'm not really sure how the parents afford it. With AAU I'm guessing the sponsor pays for the flights. (Nike, Reebok, etc).

  5. Alum02 said...
    May 30, 2009 at 8:01 AM

    Are you guys going to check in with Barton or do you feel we're on the outside looking in with him?

  6. Wolfpack Hoops said...
    May 30, 2009 at 8:07 AM

    Our main target and the one we'll spend most of our time covering are:

    Ryan Harrow
    Mychal Parker
    Luke Cothron

    Our secondary group that we'll cover, and these are the guys we feel the staff has some work to do with or we don't feel as if they have a solid offer yet is:

    Will Barton
    Dezmine Wells
    Duece Bello
    Bishop Daniels

  7. ppack3 said...
    May 30, 2009 at 9:22 AM

    That is a shame about Cothron. I would think that he was more than a little disappointed at how that worked out, too.
    The dribbling skills drill shows us a lot in 40+ seconds! Ryan is plenty comfortable with his handles! If he were forced to play a game with two balls, he wouldn't blink (b/c he'd have more assists).
    Mychal's skill surprised me. If any of you (readers) think that the two drills that you see in this vid are easy, I would challenge you to try them out. They are not easy! Esp. with a coach, cameras and other highly recruited players in your face! Mychal did a fantastic job in the dribbling aspect of the skill drills. I can't wait to see all three guys show off their other skills and get to competition!
    Thanks again WPH's. You are doing a great job. Go Pack!

  8. Anonymous said...
    May 30, 2009 at 10:09 AM

    What an awesome defensive video, highlights of recruit's defensive abilities are rare, but the quick feet and active hands of Harrow looked phenomenal..

  9. Mr. Duprey said...
    May 30, 2009 at 10:37 AM

    Looks like a great chance to further develop their games at Pangos. Too bad Luke will not have the chance to run with Ryan & Mychal but this should not fool anyone into thinking it decreases his chances of one day signing with us.

    At the end of the day Coach Lowe and his assistants will be the ones who will have the biggest impact on his choosing State and it is very likely that they will give it everything they have once contact periods resume.

    Best of luck to Ryan and Mychal in their games today and thank for the great early peek's WPH- you guy's to an outstanding job.

  10. Alum02 said...
    May 30, 2009 at 11:03 AM

    WPH, if the recruits ask you for a copy of the clips of their performance are you allowed to provide them with that? I would think Parker could put together a nice tape after this weekend and send it to the coaches since they can't see him in person. I really like these two video clips. Nice work. It shows us more about their skill level than just game file. Looking forward to the rest of your coverage.

  11. Pack Leader said...
    May 30, 2009 at 11:53 AM

    I am extremly impressed that an AAU tourney with that many high profile players attending focus's that much on ball handling drills and def positioning. I played in AAU for 2 years and played in tourneys around the area and 90% of the time it was just games to try and showcase the stars. Mad props to Pungo!! too bad about Cothron but hopefully you can catch a little footage or atleast an interview! Ive also hear will barton is the real deal try and get an interview with him if its possible!! Parker really impresses me with his ball handling esp for his size. Do yall feel like Parker/Harrow are close from watching them play? Great job keep it up have some fun!!!!

  12. Afterglow said...
    May 30, 2009 at 12:12 PM

    WPH, you guys are incredible! Keep up the great work!

    Those dribbling drills are anything but easy. Staying low and dribbling with one ball is hard enough. Add in two balls while looping one under your leg... that's just crazy; although I'm sure it’s pretty par for the course for players on this level. As for Ryan, he made it look easy which is remarkable!

    On a rec level I would consider myself an adequate dribbler but on this level, about the only dribbling I can do is the one that comes from salivating while watching these videos of Harrow and thinking about what it will be like when he's wearing wolfpack red!

    WORD VERIFICATION: pubermou... that's a funny one!

  13. redfred said...
    May 30, 2009 at 12:15 PM

    WPH, I'm glad you're covering Parker and Harrow out there, but please do your best to get up close and personal with some of the other uncommited guys and convince them that NC STATE!!! is there because we're VERY INTERESTED in them as well.

    Sorry, I'm probably out of bounds and preaching to the choir by saying something like that.

  14. Mr. Duprey said...
    May 30, 2009 at 12:22 PM

    Yeah, totally on point about the two of these players having great handle of the rock. Whats all the more important is that both, especially in Ryan's case, know how to use the dribble to get into the desired shooting/passing position.

    On the flip side with the defensive drill on display, this video shows a lot to be excited about. Ryan shows off not only his ability to react lightning quick with his feet but the kind of quick hands needed to get some clean swipes at the ball while it's in possesion of his man. Parker meanwhile moves well and shows a good arms up crouch position for a semi- big man. His defense seems well suited for denial of the ball.

    The result would be an awesome tandem of Parker denying the wing pass forcing the pg to keep his dribble longer initially thus giving Ryan more chances at picking the pocket. Obviously when Ryan jabs a ball loose and breaks direct down court the other nine players need not waste energy chasing him down to the other end.

  15. Afterglow said...
    May 30, 2009 at 12:26 PM

    Pardon my ignorance but... are any NC State coaches at Pangos and... what does Pangos stand for?

  16. Alum02 said...
    May 30, 2009 at 12:45 PM

    WPH, just how tall is Parker? I've seen him listed everywhere from 6'5" to 6'7". I guess the save bet is to say he's 6'6" huh. Who would you compare his game to in somewhat recent ACC play?

  17. Wolfpack Hoops said...
    May 30, 2009 at 1:05 PM

    Don't worry we're on it. Luke Cothron, Will Barton, and Dezmine Wells will be interviewed this weekend and will know why we're out there.

    No there are no coaches here, nor are they allowed to be. It's just media, scouts and players.

  18. TheWolfman8321 said...
    May 30, 2009 at 1:13 PM

    Ok, look I'm not one to call people out, but does anyone else think it's hilarious that PackPride is now trying to do highlight videos exactly like WPH. I've been a long time supporter of PP, but I've never seen them squirm like they are these days. It doesn't look good on them.

    WPH, I just want to give ya'll your props for being innovative, new, different and catering to the fans. You guys honestly do an amazing job, and I think you can tell for yourself by the way others are following behind you.

    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
    -Charles Colton

    Thanks for the top notch coverage guys! This site is on refresh all weekend for me.

  19. Wolfpack Hoops said...
    May 30, 2009 at 1:20 PM

    Parker is a legit 6'6 and probably could grow a bit before he's done.

    He's a very unique player in that he is very good both close to and away from the basket. He hasn't really turned on that "killer instinct" yet, but if and when he does, he'd be very hard to stop.

    I'm not sure who he reminds me of just yet. Let me watch him today and think about that more before I answer.

    Thank you for the kind words. Just as you said, it makes us feel good to see that others are following our lead. We'll keep doing what we're doing and pushing the envelope for you guys.

    **Got to run and get breakfast before heading back to the gym. We'll have some more video up late tonight (if not earlier)

  20. Anonymous said...
    May 30, 2009 at 1:20 PM

    PP is reporting that NCSU offered Mychal Parker. Is there any truth to this?

  21. Erik said...
    May 30, 2009 at 1:30 PM

    PP says that we have not offered him. There is just an error in the scout database. Sid wants to evaluate him personally before offering him which he can't do during this current recruiting period.

    There is no need to bash PP. We are all part of the Wolfpack family so there is not need to stir up any bad will between the two sites. Both sites are doing their best for NC State so we should be proud of both of them.

  22. Unknown said...
    May 30, 2009 at 1:45 PM

    No they are not. And no Mychael has not been offered.

  23. redfred said...
    May 30, 2009 at 2:12 PM

    Speaking of the "other" sites, the BB program's outstanding accomplishment in leading the entire ACC in the classroom, and scoring higher than any of the other programs academically, is NOW not that big of a deal. That is, at least according to some folks on another "fans" site.

    As a matter of fact, they're NOW saying that the coach doesn't have very much to do with that particular aspect AT ALL. !!!

    Oh well, I guess when certain people decide to totally close their eyes to any all of the FACTS, that it also affects their memory as well. They seem to have even forgotten EVERYTHING that they've were CONSTANTLY been preaching for the better part of an entire decade of Wolfpack BB.

    This is a GREAT PLACE!!! to learn straightforward and FACTUAL information about the Wolfpack BB program.

    Keep up the GOOD WORK WPH, it is greatly appreciated!!!

  24. RPMAN said...
    May 30, 2009 at 2:13 PM

    I dont see anywhere on PP that they state we have offered Parker yet! Also Wolfman are you refering to the videos they have been doing as long as i can remember. I havent seen anything change, they still do the same videos and the quality is still garbage. Videos always spike during AAU season and then fade off afterwards. Besides they have nothing to fear as long as they allow tom dick and Harry to vent any negative garbage they want on the message board.

  25. Anonymous said...
    May 30, 2009 at 2:46 PM

    I thought the three of them were playing with the atlanta celtics.

  26. Unknown said...
    May 30, 2009 at 2:54 PM

    Mychael has not been offered as of right now and I did not see anywhere on PP that they are saying that Mychael has an offer.

  27. Wolfpack Hoops said...
    May 30, 2009 at 3:26 PM

    - They are not all playing together w/ the atlanta celtics. This is not really an aau tournament. it's more of a showcase camp.

    - I agree. While we really appreciate all the support, putting down another site is just another way to divide the fan base. I think we can all agree that doing that is the last thing we want.

  28. Alum02 said...
    May 30, 2009 at 3:48 PM

    On Scout's national board Evan Daniels says that he saw Harrow and Parker play. He said they both played well, but he's seen both play better. Said he likes Ryan more every time he sees him and that Parker disappeared a bit. Said he didn't see Luke play, but maybe Telep did and just hasn't commented on him yet.

    WPH, can you add your thoughts to this?


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