We spoke with Luke on Wednesday night to find out more about the situation.
"I think I'm just going to sign in the late period." said Luke. When asked if there was any particular reason, Luke stated that he just wanted to wait before he signed an LOI. "Oh yeah, I'm still 100% committed to NC State. No doubt." said Cothron when asked where his commitment stands.
We will be keeping you updated all season long on Luke's season and his recruitment, but at this point there doesn't seem to be any reason for State fans to worry, as he was adamant about still being committed to the Pack. In his first game of the season, Flora MacDonald came up a bit short against national powerhouse, Oak Hill Academy. Luke, however, filled the State sheet in impressive fashion, pouring in 42 points and pulling down 12 rebounds.
We'll have more on Luke in the near future.
58 Responses to "Cothron Talks Signing, Commitment"then why not sign? if you say you are 100%, then you sign because there is no doubt. Looks like he's more like 95%, and is waiting to see how thigns shake out. i know people will say this is standard practice, etc. etc. - but it's not. you can have your loi have an out clause if lowe were somehow ousted after this season. so that's not an issue.
you have to ask yourself - really - why not sign?
It smacks of Wall and Leslie! 100% sign boss
Don't get on Luke for this. I don't blame him. He wants to make sure that NC State is the best place for him. He wants to make sure that he will fit into Sid's system of how he uses his Power Forwards. If Luke says he is 100% comitted to the back then we should be behind him on his decision to wait. Now if he starts taking visits I will change my tune. Until then he gets the benefit of the doubt.
acually, he can do whatever he wants. if he wants to wait til the spring, then he can wait til the spring. no reason to question him, it's his decision and he shoudl do what he's comfortable with.
Im sure its just his Coaches/mentors who are just looking out for his best interest. I take no disrespect from it.
cj is the x factor,if he commits to the pack,luke decommits,everyone knows that,thats why he wont ink till spring,either way we cant go wrong
Just keep in mind, in recruiting nothing is final, and there are no sure things. That is one thing we've learned quickly. Luke will probably wait until spring, but then again, maybe he'll change his mind and sign during the early period. I know people don't want to hear it, but there really are no definites in the recruiting game.
Luke may be on campus for the game on Saturday against Clemson, around the players and the coaches so you never know. Maybe he feels like signing, maybe he feels like waiting. With stuff like this you just have to wait and watch, and trust that the coaches are doing everything they can do to get the best players to NC State.
Is there a limit to how much time a kid can be on campus like at a football game with players and coaches?
"cj is the x factor,if he commits to the pack,luke decommits,everyone knows that,thats why he wont ink till spring,either way we cant go wrong"
why do people think this? everything i've heard, leslie is more of a combo guard and being recruited to play the wing. howell is more of a power forward/center type (who has a good face-the-basket game)
I don't think they'll be competing each other for too muc playing time
Why do we show more respect to the guy who has de-committed (CJL) than the one who maintains his commitment to us. It reeks of desperation. Talent? One bird in the hand, peoples. It's like leaving your dedicated significant other to try to get someone who doesn't care about you.
I can't wait for Luke Cothron, Harrow, and Lo Brown to don the red and white next season! Anything else will be a bonus. We could conceivably put together a lineup of CJL and Cothron, if necessary. Why wouldn't we?
(i meant leslie is a combo forward)
^^ I'm actually not sure about that, and I'm also not sure if he'll actually be with the coaches when he comes. I do know that he is free to be on campus whenever he chooses to, and can come to as many football games as he'd like.
(dang, i also meant cothron, no howell. sorry)
If I were Luke, I would take that scholly while it's available. It's liable to get filled by another local player who is rated higher if Luke waits....
I agree that if he was 100%, he would just sign and be done with it. If he's waiting, then his percentage is less than 100%. That's what I think. And that's fine. I'm sure he's still VERY committed to NC State, just not quite 100% committed. If he wants to wait and be sure NC State is still the right fit for him, then he's not 100% sure. I don't think he's necessarily shopping around for a better offer or anything. But it's reasonable to think his options ARE still open if a great offer came along.
No matter how you analyze this, he's not 100% if he doesn't want to sign now.
I guess yet another possibility is he just likes the attention, and after he signs, he won't get as much. Let's hope that's it!
We're probably just a little nervous about our unsigned commitments ever since CJ Leslie re-opened his recruitment. At least for now, Luke is still verbally committed.
Come on to NC State, Luke. It's going to be a good thing when you guys get here next year!
I'm not really worried about Cothron not signing in the early period. I think it probably has more to do with the clearinghouse and qualifying. i'm pretty sure there was word going around that he might have to reclassify. not uncommon at small private schools like FMA.
Not on subject at all - but did you see Harrison Barnes just committed to UNC? Ugh.
Barnes is a Tarheel!!! that is GREAT for Wolfpack Fans. Leslie is going to be a Wolfpacker now..... no question asked..
Harrison Barnes to UNC, basically locks them out from recruiting Leslie just in case. Competition now down to Florida and Kentucky.
Thats a catch22 win. Good Roy wont be after leslie, Bad UNC just got ALOT better next year...
2010 comparison
1 - Harrow
2 - Brown
3 - Leslie
4 - Cothron
5 - T. Smith
6 - Howell
7 - Painter
8 - JV
9 - Wood
10 - Javy
11 - CJ Will
12 - J. Thomas
13 - J. Davis
1 - K. Marshall
2 - R. Bullock
3 - H. Barnes
4 - J. Henson (maybe he stays)
5 - T. Zeller
6 - D. Strickcland
7 - L. McDonald
8 - T. Wear
9 - Wear
10 - L. Drew
Talk about some filthy matchups. I like our ability to be much more physical than them. Henson will get pushed around at the 4. I like our depth better than UNCs, especially upfront. Our backcourt is as good as anyones. Its gonna be fun folks.
Come on CJ I want to see You and Luke dunking all over Barnes & Co.
I said my peace on this before, so I will leave it to those posts.
As for his not signing early, I agree with the above posters about not being completely sure, but most likely NC State.
As for the not qualifying rumor, I too had heard that (along with a "he's going JUCO route" rumor), but since anything can be said on the internet message boards, I doubt the sources.
If Luke wants to wait and see how Sid uses his PF's, how the team plays, or if Sid will still be here then why not just wait a little longer before he commits?
I'm not sayin he's not solid in his commitment or anything but why not go ahead and sign. Even if we get Leslie he'll probably be on the wing and playing at the same time as Luke. He should look at it like the more quality players we get the better chance we have of winning. We still want you Luke, more than ever. Just go ahead and make it official big fella.
BTW, Sid will be here next year.IMHO.
We're on location as Lorenzo Brown and Hargrave take on Baltimore club in Louisburg.
Coach Lowe and Coach Harris are in the building. CJ Leslie is also here with WOG coach Erasto Hatchett.
We'll have footage of the game to you in the next few days.
Man it sure seems like CJL is at every Wolfpack event going on. Definitely bodes well for us
CJ Leslie is there watching Zo play. I smell something a cookin'. Now I'm really starting to get excited.
Maybe Zo will go off tonight and inch CJ a little closer.
Are you going to speak with Leslie at the game and get some more good info?
Hopefully ZO lights it up, because we all know Leslie wants to play with Harrow. If he sees how good ZO is first hand, it would be hard for him to turn us down.
NCSU on the Up and Up
Brown has 14 at the half and with a few good dunks
Leslie's going to wait til the spring to announce anything..so don't get your hopes up. As long as people stay positive about Lowe and the future cjL will sign with State I predict..If our OWN fans go crazy calling for his head allowing other coaches to negatively recruit against us then all bets are off...message..STAY POSITIVE pack fans
100% agree with you anonymous... the word is positive.
Sounds like LoBrown is doing his best to impress!
And I agree with some of the above posts. Luke can take all the time he needs. Hopefully he'll stick with the Wolfpack, I'm pretty sure he will.(It is a bit scary when you look at his offer list!)
How'd lorenzo end up doing?
Hey Wolfpack Hoops I have a question. Can you PLEASE tell me the next time that Lorenzo Brown will be playing anywhere in North Carolina so that I can go and see him play? I had no idea he was in Louisburg tonight or me and my friends would have went all in out NC State gear to see this kid ! PLEASE respond back, also when is the next time that Luke Cothron will be playing ??? thank you guys so much for all that you do
I don't blame Luke, what's the rush???
As a matter of fact its like I'm always telling my wife, "I'll get to it tommorrow, there's no better time to do things then TOMMORROW."
Zo plays at Louisburg again tomorrow and on Sunday. I believe both games will be at 3:30. I'll confirm this when I get to my computer.
Zo finished the game with 23 points tonight.
We will have Ryan and Zo's schedule up later tonight.
Luke's can be found by clicking Recruit Schedule/Stats on the site menu on the right.
Luke also plays tomorrow in Winston-Salem.
Slick, WPH is it true CJ Leslie is up in Louisburg watching Zo?? That could be big!
Anyone got confirmation?
We reported earlier in the thread that CJ and his coach were in attendance checking out Zo.
it's been confirmed on multiple sites
3:30pm on Sat and Sun
I saw the second half in Louisburg, I'm actually from Louisburg, and Lo had 2 dunks that were amazing. Probably go back Sunday. First chance seeing him play. He's fun to watch. I sat beside CJL and he seemed pretty comfortable with Sid and Co.
Go Pack!!
Was Leslie Sitting with Coach Lowe? Is that OK? Hope thats not a violation or anything.
Hope Luke has a big game tomorrow. Anybody in the Winston area needs to go out and support him.
Hmmm. I don't know, but I'll be damned if this "off" season in BB hasn't been about as white knuckle exciting as any "regular" season we've had in FOREVER!!!
And yet, the plot thickens even more...
Hargrave will be playing the UNC JVs in Feb at the Smith Center..Let's 'Pack the place with Wolfpack Fans cheering on Zo Brown....I can't for next season.
WPH, I commented on a certain subject last night, and then deleted my own comment, but just so you'll know, the count now stands at Harrow 24- Lee Fowler 124.
Zo looked great tonight. He had 23 points and maybe about 5 boards.
He pretty much scores when he wants to. He's so quick and can change direction on a dime. His shot is even looking pretty good too.
I didn't see Sidney talk to CJ actually, he may have when he came in though, I dont know, I was busy filming. Sid sat with Coach Hatchett most of the time and talked with him.
Also, former Pack player Brian Neiman was in the house and I talked with him for a bit. We actually played against each other quite a bit in high school ball. He's doing well and we'll have a "Where Are They Now" interview with him in the near future. He stopped and talked with Coach Lowe for a while. There were a few Pack fans in the house, which was cool to see.
We'll have the recap of the game and the video highlights later this weekend or early next week.
WORD UP. WPH FTW. Sorry for the caps fellas, but please don't make me pay for this delicious info. I hang on to you guys like Greg Golden style pass interference. My NCSU degree only got me a job that pays so well, and I need to know what Harrow and Co. are up to. Don't put me out in the cold!
-- A.S. '01
Can anyone confirm or give me a rough idea when Luke Cothron will be tipping off tonight? It says on the schedule like 5....I figured that may be JV though. Let me know as I am close to Winston and would like to go show some support.
Just got a text from Luke. He plays again today in Winston Salem at 3pm.
Oh yeah...he had 43 and 9 last night.
We'll be updating you on Lorenzo Brown from Louisburg again today. One of us will be up there, while one of us will be covering the football game.
"Oh yeah...he had 43 and 9 last night."
What's with that cat not getting a double double!
No... wire... hangers. What's wire hangers doing in this closet when I told you: no wire hangers EVER?
I may be dating myself on that one!
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