WHEN: Wednesday, November 11th (12 Noon)
WHERE: Sammy's Tap and Grill, Raleigh, NC
2010 NC State commit, and heralded point guard, Ryan Harrow, will be signing his L.O.I. (letter of intent) tomorrow, cementing his commitment to Sidney Lowe's Wolfpack. Already a fan favorite, Harrow has decided to make the trip up from Georgia and sign in front of what hopes to be hundreds of loyal Pack fans and students at Sammy Tap and Grill off of Avent Ferry Rd, near campus.
The event is open to the public and will feature highlight reels provided by the top names in the industry. The event is slated to kick-off at 12 noon, but we've been hearing from a lot of people that are planning to make it out to see Ryan sign, so getting there early might be in your best interest. Make it a lunch and order some Sammy's famous wings (which will be 1/2 price).
We will be there to cover the event, but if you're in the area, we hope to see you all out there!
Brown to Ink in Virginia
As expected, Lorenzo Brown will also be signing today with NC State as well, except he will do so from his school (Hargrave) in Virginia. Brown will not be signing his LOI, as he's already done that last year. He will be signing scholarship papers, which will serve the same purpose.
We'll attempt to get up with Brown about his signing later in the day.
43 Responses to "Harrow Makes it Official Today in Raleigh, Brown To Ink In Virginia"My family and I will be there with bells on!
I believe Mr. Harrow will be the most important recruit since the Valvano era.
Welcome to the Pack young man!
i was planning on going, but i gotta work. have fun guys and welcome aboard (officially), ryan.
he should sign it at 11:11 to make it even more magical. 11:11 on 11/11.
I class till 12:10, you think it'd be too late if I head over there like 12:30? If not, I can easily skip haha
Can't wait! Mr. Harrow is going to be a VERY special player.
any news on whether or not luke will sign in the early period?
November 12th will go down in NC State history as a "changing of the guards". This really symbolizes Sids change to NC State and moving closer to a championship calibur team.
Noone can expect him to carry the team or be the next Thompson, but he understands he is the future along with Zo, Luke & co. He is the ring leader, the nucleus, the be all end all. ANY championship winning team has a great PG who is selfless for the better of the team. Although I will be unable to sneak away from meetings today, I hope Sammys will be PACKED to the brim to show Ryan what he really means...
^^ Luke said early on that he was thinking about signing early, but I think those around him want him to wait until the Spring to sign. I don't think he's made up his mind 100% but he's leaning towards the Spring right now.
WPH - Should we be worried about Cothron???
^ Not in my opinion. I think he just wants to keep himself safe, and make sure all is in order before he inks.
Last time we spoke with him, which was the day after the Red Ralley, he was very solid on the Pack and said he's still planning on getting to as many football games this season as he can.
We'll try to find out more, but at the moment I don't see anything worth worrying about. Just a kid wanting to sign in the spring.
I have full confidence in Luke, He has given me no reason not to trust him. Clearly he loves NCSU as shown by his attendance at Football games! And with Ryan & Lorenzo both signing, its even more insurance for Luke (& Leslie) to join the pack!!
Lets just let Ryan have his day!!
Man, I wish I could be there. I seriously considered being "sick" today at work, but just couldn't do it. Welcome to the Pack Ryan!
Word on the street is that CJ Leslie showed up at Sammy's to support his boy RH.
If so, that can only be a good thing, right?
Dave Telep is confirming CJ Leslie is in attendence.
Just left so I could come to psychology. That was awesome. CJL was definitely there. In fact, after opening it up for questions someone asked who the guy they see dunking off of all of harrows assists in the highlights. Harrow said, "oh, that kid? He's my good friend and I know he'll make the right decision." or something along those lines, I bet there will be a direct quote soon.
update? crowd size? cj sighting, thoughts?
Nice update Otto!!! So CJ couldnt stay tooo far away! I LOVE IT!! Ryan should have handed his pen to CJ and told him to sign here!!
ANYONE who attends give your feedback, opinion, ANYTHING to help those of us who are stuck at work feel closer...
Ryan Harrow is something else folks. The guy just has charisma, class, the skills to pay the bills and is just the complete package. Not even mentioning that he has the potential to be one of NC State's star players of the Sidney Lowe era; the fact that he is one of NC State's best promoters and recruiters also speaks to how fortunate we truly are to have this guy being a part of our future.
Welcome Ryan, from one of your biggest fans in Charlotte.
Also, shout out to Lorenzo Brown. It is scary thinking about how good you and Ryan and are going to be together in the backcourt. Nothing but the best.
I'm so excited! Wish I could have been there.
Hey guys,
I was just there and I am not sure what to make of CJ's general demeanor. He looked somewhat happy, but I'm not sure State is his favorite right now. I think Ryan definitely has a good connection there tho. As far as the speechs and all, Ryan's parents and brother-in-law were very impressive in their values. I think Ryan is going to be the best of both worlds for us. Character and talent... Got to shake his hand and say a few words. I think he was going around the whole room to make sure he talked to as many people that came as possible. Not sure if his mother told him to do this or what, but a classy move none the less. Sidney wasn't there, but I guess it is to be expected, since he probably has a lot of other stuff going on. One important note to take away from the event was this: Ryan and Lorenzo have a special bond and the decision to come to N.C. State was largely Ryan's, as he claims he told Lorenzo that is where he was going to play in college and his mother told Lorenzo to follow. Also, Ryan said he is going to try and enroll for the summer training period in order to get ready for life at State.
All good things.
Go Pack!
Oh yeah, he said he is looking to bring another national championship to NCSU.
Place was packed. The patio where it all took place had no seats and people were standing along the perimeter.
Leslie sat towards the front, about 5 yards from the table. He was there with a few other guys, one of which transferred to WOG from Flora McDonald.
Ryan's dad who seems to have been in the background in the recruiting process delivered a very sentiment speech that involved tears. This kids family and support (HS coach was there) is unreal and shows that he has had a great upbringing.
More later.
I don't have premium for rivals - what does the Cothron story say? Other than the fact that he's not signing yet. It's on the front page for crying out loud! Could this have anything to do with Leslie possibly committing? Do you think he's waiting to see what Leslie does?
Bball players like CJL are generally laid back dudes..hell most recruits in fball or bball are yawning or talking on their cell phones to girls...I wouldn't misread his demeanor..these are teenagers not die hard fans like us
There will be room for both Cothron and Leslie if they want to come.
Anon thats not true at all. Dont say things your not sure of, thats how bad untrue rumors start. I have had MULTILPLE people in or close to the team tell me there WILL be room if CJ wants to join. Thomas is elidgable for an academic 'ship and there are also several ways to move people around to free up something. Have no doubt if CJ called Sid today and said "can I play for State next year??" room WILL be made...
WPH any video/audio of the event???
*** Anon excuse the my first rant I totally misread your comment as to saying there WOULDNT be room for CJ.
My humble appologies
Pack Leader...there will be audio and video.
I'm happy for Ryan, and a little excited that CJL was there today. Scout is listing Kentucky, Florida and NC State in CJL's final three. I like that he skipped out on Kentucky's midnight madness practice, and I also think I read that he skipped out on a visit to Florida back on November 6th.
RH and CJL have become good friends. And rumor has it that CJL was spotted hanging out with current NC State players over fall break.
I can't help but think that there's an awful lot of smoke if there isn't a fire in there somewhere.
Am I crazy for getting my hopes up for CJL at this point? I can't help but think we still have a legitimate shot at him now.
Also, is it a bad thing that Luke Cothron isn't signing yet? Is there reason to believe something could be wrong? Or is this a fairly common thing?
Were the local media guys there? WRAL ?? Or just internet types...
All the local media outlets were there as well.
My wife, my daughter, and I were there. It was a lot of fun. Ryan came around the room and shook everyone's hand and thanked us for coming. I also thanked his parents for raising such a classy young man. Ryan also autographed the basketball I got from the Red Rally. The pictures my wife got will be up later on the Wolfpacker site. Matt Carter forgot his camera. :0) Hey, I got a years subscritpion to the Wolfpacker out of the trip! It was nice to meet Ryan and his family. CJL was all smiles, too...especially when Ryan said he did not know why CJL would want to play with any other point guard. Ryan also said they were close friends. This could be interesting.
WRAL is saying 150+ were in attendance.
I'd say that this story contains nothing but GOOD NEWS ALL THE WAY AROUND!!!
I love reading the news about Ryan's family, his HS coaches and the like. It appears that Ryan is a very special kid, and that the people who are responsible for making him that way, are happy that he has choosen to be with NC State and Coach Sidney Lowe.
I could say something about a very CONFLICTING picture being painted and promoted elsewhere, but, this is a GREAT DAY FOR NC STATE UNIVERSITY, IT'S BB PROGRAM, AS WELL AS IT'S COACHES!!!
Oh yeah, CJ Leslie, thanks for stopping by as well. The door is always open, don't be a stranger.
I am loving this right now... huge fan, and hate i couldnt be there today. i had plans to come, but forgot about a class. if we get leslie hello NCAA title again! LETS GOOOO
This is a fine day to be a wolfpacker! Welcome (again) Ryan and Lorenzo. NC State is great place to be beyond just BBall.
Folks, calm down about those waiting till spring to sign, its common practice. I know we are sensitive about players switching commitments, but although it is becoming a little more common, it is still fairly rare. Best we can do is wait and hope Luke and CJ stay healthy and we all enjoy a new energy on this year's team.
"CJL was all smiles, too...especially when Ryan said he did not know why CJL would want to play with any other point guard."
What a great day to have your wifes purse to hold a camera ehh WolfCop?!?! Free subscription to Thewolfpack in exchange for being a fan in the right place in the right time!!
OK, I'll breathe a little easier on Cothron's decision to wait and sign later.
Not to throw a wet rag on the CJL thing, but WRAL is reporting that CJL thinks Roy Williams stopped recruiting him because he expects to sign Harrison Barnes. The article seems to IMPLY that if Barnes were to choose Duke, that Roy might resume recruiting CJL. A further assumption is that he would probably commit to Carolina.
I don't know what's going on in CJL's head. But right now I'm pulling for Barnes to choose Carolina about as hard as I can go!
I am NOT pulling for UNX to get Barnes. No doubt thats the reason Roy quit recruiting CJ but thats HIS loss. I hope Harrison holds out until the last min, burns them and goes across the country, and CJ figures out he wasnt "important" enough for good ole roy. If you ask me CJ is smart enough to realize hes the top of multi school list so why lower yourself and help out a school who didnt see enough interest in you to continue persuing.
Also when I watched the Elite 80 Showcase in Wilson, CJ & Ryan played both UNX recruits in '10 and I have to be honest he didnt seem very chummy chummy with them like he was with Ryan. Several times Reggie Bullock would foul CJ and swear he didnt touch him only to have CJ in his face proclaiming," Comon Regg dont pull that you know you hit me." Just didnt seem like he was very close, although very familar and cordial with them. Ive said it for over a year now, its NCSU vs UK again...
hahaha,,you noticed that Pack Leader? Where were you sitting?
I would also like to see Barnes go somewhere other than unc, but I kinda get the feeling that if Roy were to go after CJ again he'd probably commit.
Maybe I'm just a paranoid State fan.
I'm not sure if any of you saw this but I think it's worth being noted. When I first sat down I saw a fan sitting directly in front of Ryan's table (he may be a poster, he seems involved) put his hat on the table where the white hats were originally placed. Later, when Ryan entered and put a hat on, he deliberately put on the fan's hat and wore it for the rest of the event. I don't know if he kept it or signed it and gave it back or what, but I think it was pretty awesome that he decided to show his appreciation to a fan the way he did.
Wolfcop I assume your asking at the Elite 80 where I was; on the floor on sidelines with a camera. Were you in attendance?
No I was talking about today man. I thought you saw me pull the camera out of my wife's purse.
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