We have loved every minute of running this website. From the relationships that we have been able to build and the support from all of you, it has definitely been an incredible start to hopefully a bright future. A consistent question over the past couple of months has been "Are you guys going to cover football?" And the answer to that question is: "YES." We have launched our second blog titled
WolfpackPigskin.com (click the logo and it will take you there) and are excited to get the ball rolling with football. Our long term goal is to have a true site launched in the near future that will actually be 2 separate sites (Wolfpack Hoops & Wolfpack Pigskin) that are directly connected to one another. The sites will feature message boards, constant articles concerning the past, present and future of both programs, video and interviews in a more organized and accessible format. We are really excited about the response that we have received from all of you. We hope to provide a positive, yet objective, information hub for the Wolfpack Nation. We hope and believe that these two interconnected sites can be beneficial to both programs. We want Wolfpack Hoops and Wolfpack Pigskin to be THE haven to all true Wolfpack Fans and we certainly welcome you.
We encourage you to jump on board with Wolfpack Pigskin and we appreciate your patience as we get this ship moving. We have already been able to develop some good relationships/sources that should help provide you with the best information possible. Your thoughts are always appreciated, especially as Wolfpack Pigskin gets underway. Feel free to contact us at
WolfpackHoopsBlog@gmail.com. Thanks!
13 Responses to "Wolfpack Hoops Presents: Wolfpack Pigskin"Awesome. I love what you guys to for basketball......now football too. Hell to the yeah. Good job guys. Keep up the good work.
very nice! thank you.
I like what I'm hearing! so I'm guessing when you launch the "site" that it will cost something to join?
Either way, count me in.
Love the BBall information. Can't wait for the football thread too.
thanks for all your hard work
I love this site! It is the first thing I check each day and the only one that I check multiple times daily. Can't wait for Football! Great job and Thank You!
Wolfpack Pigskin has already been up for a week. Google it.
^ yes it has, but we've been fine-tuning it. We just wanted to make an official announcement so people knew it exists and that it is us running it.
Thank you!
I was trying to leave a comment on the wolfpackpigskin site but it seems a little different from the hoops site. Can I not just write my name or do I have to sign up?
^ let me take a look at that. We're still in the beginning stages with Pigskin so there might be a few glitches here and there, but fear not, we'll get them worked out
^^ should be fixed now
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