Thursday, March 27, 2025

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

RECRUITING UPDATE: Cothron Out of the TOC ; Harrow Pulling Strings?

Those of you hoping to catch your first glimpse of 2010 recruit Luke Cothron at the Bob Gibbons TOC this weekend may be out of luck. According to Luke, it's unlikely he is going to be playing this weekend in the high-profile tournament. "The team I usually play with is not going now, so I don't think I'll be playing." Cothron said.

HOWEVER, he did say there was a small chance he'd jump on another team, and get this, that other team would be the Atlanta Celtics, which just so happens to be the team of 2010 five-star commit Ryan Harrow. "There a chance I could be playing with Ryan Harrow and them. They just called me but I haven't called them back yet." he said.

Luke also let us know that the plan as of now is for him to head out west to the all-famous Pangos Tournament in Long Beach, Ca. This event is scheduled for next weekend, May 29th - 31st, but Cothron playing in the Pangos is not really news at all since he's a top 10 prospect nationally. The big story here is the fact that he told us that as of now he's planning on playing on the same team with Ryan Harrow and Mychal Parker. Is this just strange coincidence, or could there be a certain 2010 commit pulling some strings behind the scenes?

Speaking of Ryan Harrow, the Fayetteville Observer is reporting that there is a chance he won't be in attendance. Fear not Wolfpack Nation, we talked to him last night and have confirmed that he will be there, and playing with the Atlanta Celtics.


32 Responses to "RECRUITING UPDATE: Cothron Out of the TOC ; Harrow Pulling Strings?"
  1. Unknown said...
    May 20, 2009 at 9:10 AM

    Go get em Ryan!

  2. KChill said...
    May 20, 2009 at 9:18 AM

    Hoops with the scoops! RH seems to be a really charismatic young man. You'd think a lineup of Harrow, Parker, and Cothron would have to make the Celtics an odds-on favorite in ANY tourney!

  3. Pack Leader said...
    May 20, 2009 at 9:27 AM

    So let me get this straight... The atlanta celtics called cothron to play this weekend with them?!?! This would be a dream come true if he decides to join them, I more than likley will just follow them all saturday!!! Harrow, Parker, AND Cothron?!?! Do you know if Cothron and Harrow have met/played together previously?? Hopefully ryan is in his ear hard for the pack!!! Any word on team schedules for the weekends events??? WPH where do yall plan on setting up? just in reynolds or will yall go to duke and unc as well??

  4. ppack3 said...
    May 20, 2009 at 9:30 AM


    Cuthron PArker and Harrow would be a MAJOR recruiting class! But, is that uverstocking the cupboard, so to speak, with front court guys? I gues you could start backing up Zo, CJ, Javi, Julius and DeGand in the class following Harrow? Either way, if you get a shot at a class like that, you pounce on it, right? That's what I thought, too.
    Ryan is already a huge assett to this university. And, if he can lure these two guys to NC State with some sweet assists and alley-oops, then he is an even bigger recruit than his 5-star rating! Go ATL Celtics, and Go Pack!

  5. Wolfpack Hoops said...
    May 20, 2009 at 9:32 AM

    Just to clarify, Luke MAY be playing for the Celtics...they called him but nothing is for sure. He actually seemed doubtful he'd play, but promised he'd text me if something changes.

    The Cothron, Harrow, Parker team would not be for this weekend at the TOC...its for the Pangos Tournament in Cali on May 28th

  6. ppack3 said...
    May 20, 2009 at 9:33 AM

    Yes, please put out the schedule for the Celtics, at least! Everyone that is able to attend, with their State gear and in Chapel Hill and Durham too, should be out in full force and letting all of these guys feel the Wolfpack love! I will certainly do my level best to be there.

  7. ppack3 said...
    May 20, 2009 at 9:35 AM

    Scratch that last post then, sorry. I got a little excited thinking that it was this weekend.

  8. Erik said...
    May 20, 2009 at 9:58 AM

  9. Flash12 said...
    May 20, 2009 at 10:01 AM

    will you have coverage of harrow at pangos? I know a lot of the standouts at pangos ball is life put videos of them up on youtube.

  10. KW said...
    May 20, 2009 at 10:02 AM

    Would love to see this kid play in Raleigh.

  11. Wolfpack Hoops said...
    May 20, 2009 at 10:05 AM

    We are working on a schedule for you guys. Should be out this afternoon. It will let you know when our players of interest play and also map out the best most efficient way to catch as many pack targets as you can given driving distance and game times.

  12. Wolfpack Hoops said...
    May 20, 2009 at 10:09 AM

    Flash, if anyone wants to donate plane tickets to long beach we're in ; ) but yes we'll have pangos updates we just won't be able to make it out there

  13. Alum02 said...
    May 20, 2009 at 10:22 AM

    So just to clarify... this weekend Parker and Harrow are not playing together. Cothron is not playing at all unless something changes in which he ends up laying with Ryan.

    Next weekend Ryan, Parker, and Cothron could all be on the same team at the Pangos in Cali. Are Ryan and Parker definitely playing together at that tournament or was Cothron just saying that it was a possibility they all could be playing together?

  14. Wolfpack Hoops said...
    May 20, 2009 at 10:27 AM

    ^correct. If Cothron plays it will be with the celtics.

    As of now Ryan, mychal and luke are playing together at pangos according to Luke. In AAU there are no such thing as definites when talking about rosters .

  15. Pack Leader said...
    May 20, 2009 at 10:32 AM

    And cothron is not playing this weekend?? any ideas if sid and the staff will be in attendance throughout the weekend? current players? Ill dontate some plane tix for yall next weekend but the plane has a half full tank of gas and a suicidal pilot from chapel hill.... interested... ;)

  16. Realwolfpacker said...
    May 20, 2009 at 10:46 AM

    I love Ryan Harrow. This kid is a shot in the arm and a breath of fresh air from a lot of other kids you hear about.

    Go get em' Ryan. You are going to hang banners in the RBC.

    We are thrilled to have you and your family as part of the Wolfpack.

    Now (back to business), get Mr. Cothron and Mr. Parker to sign up and continue to work hard. Can't wait for you to get here.

  17. one00proof said...
    May 20, 2009 at 11:08 AM

    You gotta love the fact how Cothron specifically called out "Harrow and them". Not Celtics, but "Harrow and them". Harrow better watch out or he'll give Larry Harris a run for his money.

  18. Kim Kardashian said...
    May 20, 2009 at 11:21 AM

    I think we should pull our offer for Leslie and focus more of our effort, not to mention time, on Cothron and Parker. Thoughts?

  19. Unknown said...
    May 20, 2009 at 11:55 AM

    When can I get my Ryan Harrow jersey? I love this kid.

  20. Pack Leader said...
    May 20, 2009 at 11:55 AM

    Kim- I dont think we should pull the scholarship, but I do agree we should put more if not all our resources on cothron or parker. Leslie obviously knows about the wolfpack since he has committed before with us, so im not sure we need to educate/ inform him about much. Cothron is ranked higher and in my opinion we have more of a need for his skills (more of a C/PF rather than a smaller PF who makes hustle plays) Painter reminds me of leslie in alot of ways. both players describe themsleves the same was (both taylor their games after Kevin Garnett). Cothron is a down low playr and he is ranked top 15 in the nation where leslie barely cracks the top 50 in rivals top 100. Plus we arnt even sure how leslie will look without wall to take the pressure off of him. Parker would give us athleticism and perimeter shooting at the sf position and having been friends with harrow, chemistry can only improve. but leslie is the type of player you dont remove a scholarship you just let him figure out what he wants to do

  21. Unknown said...
    May 20, 2009 at 12:06 PM

    Agree Pack Leader. Leslie and Painter have similar games, whether one is better than the other we have to wait and see. I think Cothron should be our #1 target

  22. Wolfpack Hoops said...
    May 20, 2009 at 12:07 PM

    ^ Good to see we have a celeb in the house. What's up Kim Kardashian!

  23. Pack Leader said...
    May 20, 2009 at 12:49 PM

    WHP are we still interested in deuce bello?? I havnt heard many rumors swirling around about him have we decided to persue other options?? Do you think Cothron will take another visit to state this year even tho he visited last year??

  24. primacyone said...
    May 20, 2009 at 1:00 PM

    Good stuff here. RH, Cothern, and Parker would be dyamite together. Add that to the 09 class plus the next years Juniors and look out. Dang.

    Good non-premium Josh Davis read at The Wolfpacker today.

  25. Alum02 said...
    May 20, 2009 at 1:18 PM

    For some reason I just don't see Leslie and Painter as the same type of player. I think that Leslie IS a Kevin Garnett type of player and Painter wants to be that type of player. I think Painter is more like JJ Hickson in body type, athleticism, and game. He has a less refined post game and better outside shot, but not noticeably better. I think Leslie is a FAR superior athlete to Painter though I think Painter is a very good athlete. Leslie is an absolute defensive presence like we haven't seen in a long time. He is an intimidator around the basket. If you want an uptempo style of play, you want Leslie as opposed to Painter because Leslie can handle the ball like a guard and Painter simply cannot. This is not to say that Painter isn't a very good player because I think he is. I just don't think you stop recruiting Leslie because we have Painter. I also don't think you stop putting time/resources into Leslie for any reason. With such a small number of available scholarships there is plenty of time/resources to go around to Leslie, Cothron, Parker, Barton, etc.

  26. KChill said...
    May 20, 2009 at 1:25 PM

    In my opinion, we should continue hard after CJ Leslie. From what I've seen, he would be the first big we've had in a while that could make the Ed Davis's, Gani Lawal's, etc. have to alter THEIR shots instead of the other way around. He'd also be our first big in a while who could shoot over those types of players, instead of always have to shoot around or outsmart them.

  27. Anonymous said...
    May 20, 2009 at 1:31 PM

    ESPNU has NCSTATE #11 their updated Class of 2009 Team Basketball Recruiting Rankings

  28. Pack Leader said...
    May 20, 2009 at 2:42 PM

    anon is right ESPN U ranked State 11th with a pretty good article about their great incoming class!!

  29. ppack3 said...
    May 20, 2009 at 2:50 PM

    I agree with Alum02. Painter reminds me of JJ also. Maybe Painter has a little better outside game, and JJ has/had a little better inside, face-up type of game. But, body build and athleticism are on par with one another. CJ, on the other hand, is a nimble big, who is quick off the floor and a ball handler (for a big).
    I don't think that you quit recruiting anybody. Look at Calipari. He is STILL got four more players than scholarships! Over recruiting happens all the time, and you (as a Head Coach) almost have to these days, if you are shooting for the best because you wil not land all of them, unless you are UNC or Kentucky. (Notice, I didn't include Duke) If Sidney strings together enough wins and rings, he could have his pick of the litter like Kentucky and Carolina, but for now, keep going after the biggest and the brightest and let the chips fall where they may. Nobody would be dissappointed to see them all come to NCSU!
    Great thread BTW! Looks like ESPN is giving our recruits some love! Way to go Sid. Go Pack!

  30. Anonymous said...
    May 20, 2009 at 9:29 PM

    "I think we should pull our offer for Leslie and focus more of our effort, not to mention time, on Cothron and Parker. Thoughts?"

    No. With our recent class and returning guys, we have decent depth at all positions for the foreseeable future. Well, except @ the point, (but we all know how hard it is to fill that position). But we've got time, and i have faith in Mays and Javi. And Harrow should/will be a great point. We've got a little time to find Harrow's future back-up.

    Keep going after Cothron/Parker/Leslie and any other top-tier talent. Depending on our scholarship situation, which could change due to injuries, attrition, academic scholly, NBA... We should know after this recruiting cycle, you never know how it's going to pan-out. If any the guys our staff is going after chooses to run with the Pack(<-sorry SS), give him a jersey. I wouldn't complain.


  31. Anonymous said...
    May 20, 2009 at 9:37 PM

    I know there's an old saying that goes something like..."the squeaky wheel always gets the grease". But I'm thinking that in this situation some of "the (most) squeaky" among us might just learn the value of another old saying, which is..."Patience is a virtue".

    There is cause and effect, and sometimes it just takes certain individuals a while before they come to that realization. But then again, there are some who never will.

    I don't expect instant gratification in this upcoming BB season, though I do feel that it is more than reasonable to feel very excited about the path that we're starting down. Or UP!!!

    As a matter of fact, I'll come right out and say that I have even enjoyed the fact they we have gone through some low spots, and that we've dealt with so many unknowns over the past the past three seasons.

    Speaking for me personally, it's definitely been less frustrating then beating my head on a constant, and well defined, ceiling year after year.

    Lowe still has much work to make it all come together like he has planned and like he wants it to, but he is improving the state of the NC State BB program for more important purposes then to garner favor from the talking heads in the media. I for one, do not need to hear them telling me what I think about a BB coach anyway. I also don't care if all of the other coaches in the ACC aren't enamored and rushing to comment on the positives of Sidney Lowe at NC State either. To the contrary, I'd much rather have a coach that possesses certain unknowns that might jump up and bite them on any given night.


  32. KW said...
    May 21, 2009 at 10:24 AM

    Who wants to donate $25 or so to send WPH out to LA?


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