Thursday, March 27, 2025

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

TOC Interview: Mychal Parker

We have been focusing a lot on Ryan Harrow as of late, seeing as he's the lone commit to the 2010 recruiting class for NC State. However, we caught up with another Wolfpack target at the TOC and he seemed very interested in the idea of playing his basketball in Raleigh. Mychal Parker is one of the top wings in the country. He can handle, shoot, play above the rim, and has a frame that can put on some bulk. Ranked as a top 35 prospect by most scouting services, Mychal Parker will be a real catch no matter where he lands, but Sidney Lowe may have the upper hand thanks to a friendship that has sparked up between Harrow and Parker. We had a quick conversation with Mychal following one of Ryan's game that he was sitting sideline for, here's how it went:

WPH: So Mychal, we know you've said you're pretty wide-open in your recruitment, but which schools would you say are coming at you the hardest?

MP: Yeah, I've heard the most from Clemson, Maryland, Miami, Tech, Florida, and NC State.

WPH: So, NC State is coming at you pretty strong? Where would you say they stand on your list?

MP: I like NC State, actually I liked NC State even before they started recruiting me.

WPH: Really? That must be exciting then to be recruited by them. We've also heard that you and Ryan Harrow have sparked up quite the friendship, can you tell us about that?

MP: Yeah, that's my man right there. I met Ryan at the Elite 80 Showcase in Wilson and we played so well together. We've pretty much been talking everyday ever since.

WPH: We were at that Elite 80 and you two were pretty impressive together. Have you discussed playing together in the future.

MP: Oh yeah of course, all the time. We actually are playing together this coming weekend at Pangos in California.

WPH: Yeah, we are trying to get out there to cover you guys, but we'll see, it's an expensive flight.

Oh yeah, you guys should get our there, we're gonna put on a show!

WPH: Haha, we'll do our best. Thanks Mychal.

**Mychal played with the Richmond Squires who's guards struggled the entire tournament. He played a team game and tried to get others involved, but the Squires were simply over matched most of the TOC. We've seen what an active Parker looks like when playing with guards that can get him the ball (Elite 80 in Wilson) and he has a very impressive skill set. Don't be surprised to see him running with Ryan's Atlanta Celtics at some point this summer, as him and Ryan talked about the possibility after one of Ryan's games. Mychal, to our knowledge, does not yet have a committable offer, however that could change when the Coaches evaluation period starts back in July.


32 Responses to "TOC Interview: Mychal Parker"
  1. Anonymous said...
    May 26, 2009 at 7:28 AM


    We are past the half way mark to send these guys to PANGOS!!! We can do it. They have provided us with the best and most complete coverge of NC State basketball we've ever seen for months and months....THE LEAST WE CAN DO IT DONATE $5 or $10. WE"RE GETTING CLOSE...DONT GIVE UP!!!


  2. Wolfpack Hoops said...
    May 26, 2009 at 7:32 AM

    We just wanted to thank everyone that has donated!! We seriously appreciate it and it shows us what we already knew... There is no fan like a Wolfpack fan. You guys (and girls) have been absolutely awesome.

    We're getting closer and closer, if we can get enough by Wed. then we'll book the flight, the hotel and the rental car and pack our bags for Long Beach.

    And don't worry we will let Ryan, Mychal and Luke know that it was thanks to donations from the Wolfpack fans that we are all the way across the nation covering them.

  3. Anonymous said...
    May 26, 2009 at 7:43 AM

    Great kid unreal
    the real anon

  4. K_ncsu said...
    May 26, 2009 at 8:06 AM

    Just donated. Come on pack fans donate a little and tell your friends. WPH get your bags ready!

  5. JJ said...
    May 26, 2009 at 8:21 AM

    WPH, were you able to capture video of Parker or any other recruits at the TOC??

  6. Wolfpack Hoops said...
    May 26, 2009 at 8:30 AM

    Yea we have video but it's short bc the game of Parker's that we caught a pretty uneventful. Well get it up soon.

  7. Wolfpack Hoops said...
    May 26, 2009 at 8:58 AM

    We also were able to film C.J.'s first game on Friday night.

  8. Pack Leader said...
    May 26, 2009 at 9:37 AM

    Im still a little confused on Parkers style of play. Is he a jump shooter/ scorer or is he a slasher/ driver. WPH you saw more of him than anybody else who do you see his game modeled after? Keep the donations coming guys we are close!!! love the interviews and love the attention you guys help bring to state esp during the dead peroid where coaches can only do so much!!! Someone should let the big guns like W. Murphy and company!!! Shoot if he can fly Calipari in his private jet just for an interview, he surly can give a few hundred dollars so Wolfpack fans can keep up with recruits.... ()

  9. GreenEngineer said...
    May 26, 2009 at 9:38 AM

    Just donated. Hope you get the funds in time to make the trip. Love your coverage of NC State sports, so please keep it coming.

  10. Anonymous said...
    May 26, 2009 at 9:46 AM

    Just Donated $30

  11. Anonymous said...
    May 26, 2009 at 10:21 AM

    Just added another $20.

  12. Wolfpack Hoops said...
    May 26, 2009 at 10:31 AM

    Parker is a strong but wirey wing who can attack the hoop with aggression and finish above the rim, has a nice looking stroke and can handle the ball pretty well. He's an all around player that plays within himself. Not to mention he's another high character kid who is very polite and funny.

  13. Wolfpack Hoops said...
    May 26, 2009 at 10:33 AM

    Again, thanks so much for all the donations really looks like we might make it. We're getting close and we're starting to look at flights/hotels!

    I'll say it again, you guys are awesome and this is just another example of the passion and loyalty Pack fans have for their program!

  14. Pack Leader said...
    May 26, 2009 at 10:36 AM

    Thanks WPH!! Id love to see him join the pack!! He would more than likley look to play SF and with our talent already in place, he should be able to get good practice and learn alot from the guys ahead of him!! (Wood,Thomas,CJ)

  15. Michael G. said...
    May 26, 2009 at 10:40 AM

    donated $20

  16. Anonymous said...
    May 26, 2009 at 10:51 AM

    GET KOOZIES!!! I did my part and get us some merch! :)

  17. Pack Leader said...
    May 26, 2009 at 11:08 AM

    I agree Merchandise would be a great idea!! like shirts, koozies... etc. Any easy way to get $ in the fund year around!!

  18. Kevin H. said...
    May 26, 2009 at 11:08 AM

    Just donated $10. Wish I coulda done more. I really hope enough people chip in by tomorrow to make this happen.

  19. Orphan203 said...
    May 26, 2009 at 11:20 AM

    Just donated $20. Good luck and have fun!

  20. Packfan87 said...
    May 26, 2009 at 11:33 AM

    Just made my donation. WPH pack your bags!!

  21. NCSUDreamWeaver82 said...
    May 26, 2009 at 11:56 AM

    Just donated $20! This site is great. Keep up the great work!

  22. Anonymous said...
    May 26, 2009 at 12:05 PM

    I would rather make the donation to this site than pay for Statefans or Rivals. What value do they actually add? You can tell they are starting to get worried as James put up a post telling members not to advertise the WPH website. Maybe if they added any original value, they wouldn't have to worry about that!

    Bam Roasted!!

  23. Thepiler said...
    May 26, 2009 at 12:11 PM

    What's the latest count?

  24. Anonymous said...
    May 26, 2009 at 12:13 PM

    WPH> Pack Pride

  25. Erik said...
    May 26, 2009 at 12:16 PM

    Anonymous, Packpride is in the scout network and maybe it has rules that scout says they must follow such as no advertising on the forums. And the post that James put was only in reference to advertising financial support for this website. People can still talk about and post links from WPH.

    Hopefully the WPH boys can meet their goal and we can see Harrow, Parker, and Cothron in action this weekend. Keep up the good work!

  26. Wolfpack Hoops said...
    May 26, 2009 at 12:28 PM

    ^ We completely understand why PackPride wouldn't want that on their boards and we have no problem with them taking it off.

    We have a good relationship with James over at PackPride. He's a real good guy and does a good job over there. However we are in the same business so I guess you can call us competitors in a sense, which is why he probably doesn't want any WPH advertising on his boards. I think posting a link is ok if we have some information that they don't or we have an article you think it relevant, then it's probably ok, seeing as they do offer free message boards.

  27. Pack Leader said...
    May 26, 2009 at 1:13 PM

    I like Pack Pride and think James does a good job keeping the memebers informed. But the difference here is not all wolfpack fans can pay $100's to be a member so the average fan cant really keep up. WPH doesnt descriminate and really wants all pack fans to get excited about up and coming talent. Statefansnation on the other hand has gotten a little bit to big for their own britches, thinking their "great" articles are what people read their site for. The negativity reached an all time high and thats why myself and SEVERAL other member decided to part ways and put our efforts into other sites.

    $150 left til Cali!!!!

  28. Unknown said...
    May 26, 2009 at 2:15 PM

    Just donated my $10, come on guys. What we get here is worth far more!

  29. Mr. Duprey said...
    May 26, 2009 at 5:52 PM

    what's the tale of the tape here again? 6'6", 6'7" or more? It's not completely out of the question to believe he could slide in and take Dennis Horners role right off the bat- a tweener 3-4.

  30. Alum02 said...
    May 26, 2009 at 11:35 PM

    Would be cool to see Mychael running with the Celtics. I wonder how he would fit in with the current players (McCrae and Golden?).

  31. Anonymous said...
    May 26, 2009 at 11:47 PM

    "It's not completely out of the question to believe he could slide in and take Dennis Horners role right off the bat- a tweener 3-4"

    Jose, if you're referring to Parker, he'd potentially suit-up in '10. Horner would be gone. (Europe?)

  32. Anonymous said...
    May 27, 2009 at 8:44 AM

    Yo ,Jorge is right he could fit right in and deal at the 3 or 4 but alas we gots to wait till "10"
    The Real ANON!


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